Radian Research introduces an innovative multi-form,
multi-position meter warm-up board with independent,
variable voltage and current driving a bank of four sockets.
The WECO 9200 Warm-Up Load Board has locking wheels
for roll around mobility and is available in either single or
double sided socket layout configurations.
The WECO 9200 uses the highest quality meter socket design that you’ve come to expect from the leader in metering solutions. Safety is of paramount importance, with each socket isolated with a safety interlock mechanism. The addition of a plexiglass socket shield helps guide meter blades into the zero insertion force jaws. Furthermore, the socket shield helps minimize inadvertently dropping meter seals on socket conductors.
The WECO 9200 has variable Voltage from 0 to 500 Volts and independent A & C Element Current from 0 to 30 Amps. Unlike most warm-up boards the WECO 9200 offers independent isolated phantom load for each socket, reducing meter creep seen on other test board solutions. This independence means the WECO 9200 does not need bypass adapters, nor will sockets become inoperative should a meter service disconnect remain open.
There is no energy reference standard in this solution. Accuracy is dependent on the ammeter and voltmeter
accuracy and any differential losses due to multiple meter loading.